
Weak but trying


I've noticed that my FORM is so bad in the shoulder area defiantly more so on the left side verses the right.... I hope I will be capable for lifting more weight with better form as I gain strength...
How long did it take you all to see some results? Love all the Vlogs and Blogs out there keep it coming!!!! Oh and I hope to see Stacey at her next Fig. Comp. super excited to see what the hub bub is all about




Small Prob....

Does anyone out there wake up two hours into their sleep cycle starving to death? I cannot sleep over hunger LOL. I'm not sure if its because of the time change of 9.5 hours or what but I have to work tomorrow and its the second night of this.... Maybe some PM pill would help



1 week down

I just finished my first week of Dream Bodies Transformation w/ Tony

My first week went OK I need to work on eating more and drinking more water which is probably a normal problem at first for some people. I just sent in my weekly stat report to Tony and kind of mentioned possibly being interested in figure competitions. I kind of wounder how much work and time that will take?

My boyfriend is so sweet he asked if there was anything he could do that would help /support me in this transformation. I don't know how he deals with so much he works part time is going to college full time (in a very demanding program), and juggles me/friends very well while looking for a full time job. I'm a lucky girl :-) oh and he also literally can juggle while riding his unicycle but that's another story LOL.

My cheat meal this week was 1 soft taco from Taco Bell (YIKES low grade meat) two MINI Baby Ruth's and 2 drinks of cranberry juice w/vodka.

I'm going to buy a cooler so I can transport food/supplements with me and I just bought some online egg whites that I could just mix with my Whey shakes... Saves me some time if it don't taste to bad.

I have to give it to all the other Tony Diva's out there I don't know how they work full time+, kids, maintain awesome bodies, and family.... You guys are Amazing and Inspirational

Thank you for all the help and support



:-) THINKING about setting my goals higher


I've been thinking about it and I might one day try a comp. I've been reading all the blogs out there and it motivated me to set my goals slightly higher :-) kind of excite about it all. Lately I'm feeling a little fat because I am eating 6 small meals a day and I am trying to drink a gallon of water per day too. I am finding it somewhat difficult to eat every 2.5 hours when I am at work and also looking for new ideas on how to transport various foods/supplements with me as I am always on the go....

Cooler might be my only option?

I seem to eat M.R.P and fruit mostly plus I stop most the time for a good lunch.

I've been drinking lemon juice and ACVM and the first week of all this really drained me not real sure if anyone out there had the same problem or I am getting sick because I've had head aches as well.. Oh well

I cannot wait to see some results, going to post some Photos soon

That's all for now


Gym Change

I am so SORE from working out but I LOVE IT because I know its working......

OK so the drive from work to Peoria's Golds Gym was starting to bother me and I made a switch to my home town YMCA. For a few reasons first I am still working on my Masters giving me the student Membership saved about 100$ plus fuel.. I still feel somewhat selfish for getting an online personal trainer and saving money in other places seems to help with my justifications/reasoning.

So I really don't like the YMCA as much as golds gym because the equipment is not as nice but on the plus side people are so much more friendly. Since I got back from overseas I think my lack of people skills is a little worse than normal..... I know right?

I'm sure the Y will grow on me

I joined the "Y" went worked out and on my way out the door I felt the to grab some information to see what all is offered at the YMCA and some nice lady came up and asked if I needed help..

I'm not sure but I might have came across as a little cranky but it was more like me and her having completely different communication patterns..

I'll have to work on my re-adapting to civilization a little more ... I've been back from Afghanistan for a week now WOO I feel so spoiled :-) with running water and a toilet in the same building..

Tomorrow I meet a board of judges that will be looking at my uniform and drilling me with questions about the military might be promoted soon ... kind of stressful I just hope my military baring is OK since I've had 7 days off

Wish me LUCK


Good Times


I did the first work out that Tony gave me today and my legs felt like jello when I got done .... Hope tomorrow is not too painful

I am very pleased with the work outs / diet so far...



DAY 1 of Tony's work out

So I just finished my phone consult and received my new diet /work out from Tony I am super excited to get started tomorrow is day 1. I hope to see results in a few months I still have a few more supplements/foods to buy but all in good time. I'm not sure if I can sleep over all this excitement


Fitness Goals here I come :-)

So the Blogging starts well as you may or may not know I've spent a little times overseas which gave me plenty of time to think about myself and life in general. I'm getting serious about how my body looks and I really want a body similar to what you would see on the cover of a health magazine and all everyone can say is "Mel you're so skinny I wish I had your body". Well news flash super skinny is not the look I am going for I've been inspired by several other blogger's out there who are not afraid to be beautiful. So what if I am a girl who wants a little more muscle on her bones. I had one per say friend tell me that it's repulsive. "LOL"... My BF (Sam) is supportive of my new goal and I loved his comment "Sure I can live with a hot girlfriend that can fight off other guys" or something close to that.

With that said I've been a golds gym member for a few years now with no real results so now I have the help of Tony which will hopefully get me started with my body transformation soon. I love our society cause I can pay someone to give for a diet plan, work out, and motivational support. At first I was a little unsure about spending money on something that is not so necessary but my mom said it best with" Who do you have to answer to except yourself? Go for it!" ....

Fitness Goals here I come :-)

I've read a lot of success stories out there and I've noticed that some girls out there are working 2 jobs and are holding their families together and its so motivating! I have the military, working on my MBA, my house, Dog, and Boy friend... I am so spoiled but don't get me wrong I worked my butt off for it all...

How do they say it? Start Right ---Finish Strong

I may get the nerve to post my before photos and progress photos as I travel down this road...

I know right run on central well writing has never been a strength of mine so read at your own risk/head ache

I took some before photos for Tony YIKES

105lbs and kind of skinny fat I say that meaning Skinny with no real lean/tone if you know what I mean...

I really want ABS

Till another time