Well, I've been lifting for awhile now and it seems that I am kind of getting the eye at the gym from time to time. I would like to think its because I look better than when I started but than I realize that I went from wearing a hoodie to a tight gym like tank top so they're probably lookin at other body parts not that there is much to look at.
I'm to the point where I have to start using 25lbs plates on my chest press and well squats. I don't mind using bigger plates on the legs because its expected considering its a larger muscle group but for some reason it makes me feel better to use two 10lbs and one 5lbs plates on each side for my chest press LOL. Like its more feminine or something but the fat errrr guys on the treadmills turn around and look at me some times like I"m weird or something. I am weird but its not like you can tell by looking..........GESH --LOL !
Latest problem is I'm bloated still and still its been on going for awhile now not sure what to do.... Maybe its the WHEY P.....?? Any ideas besides popping GAS X like its going out of style?
That's all for now
Still working on perfecting my diet at work .......
feeling really bloated and gassy too... not sure why I haven;t changed anything, I burp all the time too, quietly I hope, I have my ipod up so loud I can't tell. I do the same as you, I use smaller plates, I was thinking about it the other day, why don't I just use the big ones, it looks more badass lol. Sounds like your making good changes! I get stares all the time, it could be the veins popping out of my arms (I hope) or my underwear riding up my butt, which makes my butt look funny shaped haha (hope not) no idea lol.
LOL!, Yeah my veins pop out too and nurses get excited when they see me coming..I think one of my favorite comments was them talking about how big of a gauge they could use IDK?... Guess I should care less LOL
Hey girl!
Isn't it fun getting the EYE in the gym. And I am sure it is because your muscles are popping - although there are some perverts at the gym, there are also some guys that really appreciate how hard a girl works in the gym and it looks like you are working really hard!
I really don't know why you are bloated...but could be the whew protein. I would cut it out for a couple days and see what happens. Sometimes it is just the formula that can cause the bloating. Maybe a new brand could eliminate it.
Best of luck figuring it out! :) Have a great weekend!
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