I've been working out see some results nothing so great that I am wanting to hit a stage or anything just yet... My most recent problem:
My RIGHT side is so much bigger then my LEFT... It is starting to look weird.
My Right Bicep looks great and the left not so much..... so I emailed Tony and we are going to talk about this more when he calls...YAY.. Meanwhile he gave me some guidence
You really cannot tell unless I am flexing but I want to look semi symmetrical because I plan on competing one day
I've been doing good with my diet then PMS from hell @#$%^ hits like a wall... I have had an IUD for a year now so I don't menstruate or anything but I have all of the EFFING PMS symptoms... I swear it intensified after my leg workout???.....UGH
Also, this week Tony wanted me to focus on adding more weight to the bar... I noticed some changes that came about just by working out with heavier weight: side effects or it may be crazy PMS???: Sex drive is crazy, Hunger 24/7 even after I eat, and I felt run down all week but that is all probably PMS related somehow???...
I went to my OBGYN last week for my yearly he told me that I have " low estrogen levels" and that its causing unnecessary bloating because it is slowing down some other areas if you know what I mean...... Anyway the DR said I should buy some SOY products from GNC..LOL. News Flash I just cut out the international egg whites and it went away in 3 days WOOT>>>>> I might drink some egg whites to test my theory but this problem may leave me with 3 gallons of international egg whites and going back to cooking the everyday egg TIME BUMMER......
We will see what next week brings :-) but I am hoping for a more sunny disposition
Anyone in my area wanting to play some softball this summer???
"True strength is holding yourself together when everyone expects you to all apart"
I love this little saying and think about it several times a day at work and then I realized I am the first female in my position.... I've talked to several all the way back to the 90s way before my time in the Air Force.. There has never been a female supervisor in my career field in fact there has only been one female CMSGT on base ... I would love to shatter that glass ceiling one day and honestly it very well maybe the one thing that truly attracts me to my job and pushes me to be the best I can be.... as corny as that may seem
I could not deal with the everyday BS without the gym, Cyber support, and Tony's help.... I'm so grateful for you all..
Hey there! Sounds like your making some good progress! My left arm lags too in strength and size. But I noticed its starting to catch up. My legs were like that for a long time, at one point there was a 2 in. difference!! Its al coming together now. It seems the body goes through some weird changes. Keep up the good work!
Oh, great idea!!! I better start tracking this with my tape see how much I am off that way I can track my progress further...
I know at some point one side is going to either get smaller or one is going to get bigger its just the time in between I guess .. Thanks
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