
Easter Cheats

Easter was a few candy cheats here and there.... I've also notice that a lot of my old friends keep inviting me for drinks so lately I've found myself ordering OJ and passing in off as drinking (EH).. I wish that they would understand just a little more but at the same time I never really find myself enjoying "nights" out with this little group...its kind of like I've out grown them in someway but not all...

Should have my MBA competed in MAY so I can really focus 100% on my workout but I still have concerns of my shrinking bust and chest press.. The guys at the gym are saying it won't happen but I've noticed otherwise and considering I am not hardcore at the moment I figure I can see where my weightlifting hobby takes me. I am always finding great blogs out there that help me plus lately I've had a few co-workers asking advice on weight lost etc. I would love to have a second job as a personnel trainer or something.... What do they say when your hobby turns into a job??


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just here checkin in you! Hope you're okay! HUGS!