So I started Tony's Work out program 19 OCT 2008 took one week off because of Bronchitis my diet has been so so OK I slip some times! Anyway, I just took some PICS and compared them to my original photos and there is a little change in the AB area and butt. I know it's too soon but I was curious... Yep, I am still wanting to gain some more muscle .......
Black and White PICS are OLDERI took the original photos while I was deployed in Afghanistan(not looking so hot) and today I did not do my hair or anything because its Football Sunday and we all have our days darn it... I really need a photographer its kind of difficult taking PICS of myself.. How do you gals do it?
Random I know
Hey chica! I can totally see a change! While slight, it is definitely there. Keep it up!
I can see some changes too! Back is definitely getting some muscle and yep, tummy is looking good!
I've been coughing up a lung. Gotta go to the doc again. My Bronchitis is back. Hate this. :(
Ha pictures rock! You can tell you've made progress even in just the little time you've been doing it! Hope your feeling better :)
Thank you for all the word of encouragement and kindness but I'm not really happy with these pictures but its a good starting point :-).. Everybody starts somewhere no matter the size
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