So I started back on my "Tony's" workout this week and its going well.. I am super sore and loving it!!!! I noticed that my strength went down considering I have not been lifting in 3 weeks or maybe its fear of over doing after surgery? I am hopeful in some results soon and getting somewhat impatient .... ABS is all I'm saying and I should post some PICS soon too.
NEWS FLASH: There is a deadly flu virus going around at work so I've been kind of stressing about it and avoiding people so I don't get sick and sure enough I woke up today sicker than sick. All the hand sanitizer in the world could not save me now SOB.
So I ordered my first pair of "NEW GRIP" lifting pads today I am so excited about getting them :-) .. I am sure all the guys at the base gym will be like WTF so I'm going to show them off HAHAH.... I'll be sure to post all about it verses my Golds Gym lifting gloves
Six pack by swimming season WOOT and figure Comp this year are the goals
Booyah .
Seen this site seemed like good information not that I would know LOL
There are 2 rounds to a FIGURE contest. A 1 piece bathing suit round and 2 piece suit round. You are judged by your look in these two outfits. You are judged on body shape, muscle shape, conditioning, grooming, beauty, and presentation. It is a beauty contest and you have to act beautiful. Big smiles and walking like you own the world is the way it is done.
COMPETITION ROUNDS & RULES Ð WOMEN'S OPEN, TEEN & MASTERS (WOMEN OVER 30,40 & 50) FIGURE ROUND 1/SWIMSUIT: The contestants will present quarter turns with other contestants wearing high heels and a 2 piece swimsuit of their choice. No thong swimsuits will be permitted. Jewelry may be worn in this round. No oil may be worn.
ROUND 2/FINAL ASSESSMENT: The contestants will present quarter turns with other contestants wearing their 1 piece swimsuit of their choice and high heels. Each round is scored separately and worth 1Ú2 of the total score. In the Women's Open Figure, the winners of Class A, B. C & D will be brought back on stage and compared in their one- piece swimsuit and heels for judging of the overall winner.
THE HIGHT CLASSES: CLASS A (to 5'2") CLASS B (over 5'2" to 5'4") CLASS C (Over 5'4" to 5'6") CLASS D (Over 5'6") |
First you register or check-in, usually the morning of the contest or the night before. You are put into your appropriate Figure category according to height classes. All contestants are measured.
There is a morning show called the prejudging this is where you are compared to the other competitors. In the evening of the same day is the night show when the awards are given out. You have to be present for both the morning prejudging and the evening "night" show.
THE PREJUDGING: You will go out on stage twice. Once in your 1 piece suit and once in your 2 piece suit. Both times you will be compared to the other women in your group. Before you are compared, you will walk on-stage alone and present yourself center stage to the judges by doing a series of smooth quarter turn s.. At night you go out twice as well, in your 1 piece and 2 piece out fit, but there are no comparison's at the night show.
The contest begins: You go back stage and get in your 2 piece suit. There are weights back stage and you can pump up your muscles and apply your oil so you look shiny on stage. Many women have their hair and make up done at this time as well. The expediter will call your class and then it is time to line up and get ready to go on stage You will each have a number and line up according to your number.
ROUND ONE: 2 piece suit
The judges will call your class and the expediter will file each person onto the stage.
When your class is first called, each athlete (will go out alone) will walk on stage, to the center of the stage, pause, smile, and turn to the side, and pause then turn to the back, pause, show your back, then turn again, show your other side, Then turn back to the front.
The goal here is to look as polished as possible. You look relaxed (or at least you are supposed to) but are in fact tensing your muscles the entire time you are on-stage
You stand for a moment, big smile, then move to the side of the stage and remain on stage standing off to one side while the other competitors do their walk and turns. While standing you have to stand so you look cool. See the photos below ( Individual presentation A and B). These girls are presenting themselves alone while the other competitors line up to the side on the stage.
Check out this photograph as well."STANDING TO THE FRONT Picture 1" below this paragraph. See the women in the center of the picture? That is Leslie overall winner of the DKC 2004 Figure. See her in the black one piece outfit? She is standing like a winner.
PICTURED ABOVE: Individual presentation (pic A).
PICTURED ABOVE: Individual presentation (pic B).
Once everyone has presented themselves alone and lined up to the side, everyone is relined up in the center of the stage and with heels together you are compared to all the other athletes in your class. Here are some good pictures of this round.
All the competitors are lined up (heels together now) and compared in 4 poses. On stage as group they turn and do the following "poses":
Standing to the front.
Standing to the right side.
Standing to the rear.
Standing to the left side.
Standing to the front.
Standing in the line up. Not a pose but it counts. Remember..You are competing the entire time you are on stage. The entire time you are on stage you have to stand and pose. You can't rest, not for a second.
You leave the stage, change into your one piece suit and come back out and do it all over again.
ROUND TWO: 1 piece suit
The judges will call your class and the expediter will file each person onto the stage.
When your class is first called, each athlete (will go out alone) will walk on stage, to the center of the stage, pause, smile, and turn to the side, and pause then turn to the back, pause, show your back, then turn again, show your other side, Then turn back to the front
You stand for a moment, big smile, then move to the side of the stage and remain on stage standing off to one side while the other competitors do their walk and turns. While standing you have to stand so you look cool. Check out "STANDING TO THE FRONT Picture 1" below this paragraph. See the women in the center of the picture? In the black one piece outfit? She is standing like a winner.
Next all the competitors are lined up and compared in 4 poses. On stage as group they turn and do the following "poses":
Standing to the front.
Standing to the right side.
Standing to the rear.
Standing to the left side.
Standing to the front.
Standing in the line up. Not a pose but it counts. Remember..You are competing the entire time you are on stage. The entire time you are on stage you have to stand and pose and look as good as you can. You can't rest, not for a second.
NOTE: When standing in the line up...Rather than standing with your heels together (as you must do when being compared) you can stand anyway you want. Again check out the picture, "STANDING TO THE FRONT Picture 1" below this paragraph. See how she brought her right leg across her left leg, and pushed her hip out to accentuate her taper? She also has her hand "casually" on her hip with her shoulders tensed. This is the way you want to look when just "standing" in the line up. Practice this over and over till it looks natural on you. |
You return to the contest site about an hour before the show begins to get ready. At night you come out on-stage in your 2 piece outfit and again later, in your 1 piece outfit. After that the awards are presented.
No matter if you win or lose stay calm and keep smiling. Do not cause a fuss if you feel you should have placed higher. If you are upset--hide it! If you cause a scene and display poor sportsmanship you will be banned from competing in the future.
Beauty is subjective. You may lose the contest but still be gorgeous. Don't panic or get upset. Just resolve to do better next time. Often small changes (like a deep natural tan) can turn a loser into a winner at the next contest. Ask people for feedback. Ask the judges. They will tell you what you need to do to improve.
YOU WILL GO BACK ON-STAGE AND COMPETE FOR THE OVERALL TITLE against the other class winners. You will do a series of turns as a group, then the winner is announced. The winner is given an award for best FIGURE OVERALL.
| The Fantastic 2004 DKC Overall Figure Champion: Leslie Stefano. |
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You will compete in a special competition 1 piece and 2 piece suit. | ||||||
PRACTICE YOUR TURNS: Presenting yourself onstage, so you look your best, takes practice. Here is nice shot of side quarter turn as she pauses in mid turn. Notice the knees tilted together, the front right leg bent and posed, the right hip pulled up (to accentuate the hip and butt curve) the right arm pulled back, the left hand on hip and pulled forward (to accentuate the chest and left shoulder) the deltoid and arm are tense, hands and face relaxed. Nice pose and beautiful grooming as well. | ||||||
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Pictured above: Two great athletes in the back comparison round. Both of these women are holding the pose perfectly. Study this photo carefully. This is HOW YOU WANT TO DO IT! above and below...STANDING TO THE SIDE..Check out Leslie below. |
©2005 Dan Burke all rights reserved
the Figure Competition Prep Guide
After Surgery Stir Craziness
I had surgery on the 7 of JAN and have not been able to work out since. I see my doctor again on the 21st so I am very hopeful in him giving me the all clear to work out again or at least parts of my body. My Doctor kind of made threats to me with scary scenarios of hemorrhaging and whatnot. I personally feel as if his words were unreasonable and possibly worse case scenarios but for some reason I don't want to chance it... I've lost muscle and my ass is feeling fat-ish plus my sleep schedule is so jacked up, I guess Oxycontin can do that to a person. I've been reading every one's blogs and drooling over their great workouts and accomplishments while I sit on my fat ass.. In fact I had to stop reading for awhile because I was not dealing with not getting to work out that well.
Anyway, I had a good friend over they other night and I cooked us an easy "Tony directed diet" dinner and my friend told me she forgot how great if feels to eat health. Now I don't know what that means but I am happy that I may have opened her eyes to some new eating habits :-).. I still have my goals set high on a figure competition but I am definitely intimidated about it to be honest so I hope to jump on a comp. with some other beginners at that point in time or maybe some more seasoned diva's. I am hoping so much that the DR. tells me everything is good and that another surgery is not necessary but for some reason I have this bad feeling.. So wish me some luck THANKS.
To top it off my boyfriend of 7 months broke up with me the night before surgery so not only have I been stir crazy its been stir crazy with the lonely no boyfriend blues but I am also very excited about maybe finding someone who can like me for me one day.. I would love to have a best guy friend that I was super attracted to... I'm still kind of young and clueless with men and I swear it is getting more confusing with age not less. We'll see
Anyway good work to all DIVAS out there